
Managing Children’s Screen Time: Finding the Balance
Discover practical solutions for managing children’s screen time. Teachers, explore ways to ensure student wellbeing and responsible tech use.

Check History of Modifications With Audit Trail
Blocksi’s content filtering has an Audit trail feature enabling admins to monitor dashboard changes, including policy updates and web filter modifications.

Teacher Burnout – When Teaching Becomes a Burden
Teacher burnout is one of the most surging problems of the educational system. It is time to tackle the trend threatening modern education.

6 Common Misconceptions About EdTech
The growth of online education comes with its share of doubts and hesitations. What are some common misconceptions concerning virtual learning?

A New Webinar Series for K-12 Professionals!
Tune in for a webinar about successful K-12 classroom screen monitoring, device management, student well-being, and more!

Come Visit Us at the IDEAcon in Schamburg, IL!
Join us at one of the largest EdTech conferences in the Midwest, IDEAcon, and learn how to maximize learning with Blocksi.

Coffee Break with Ernest Dixon – Coming to Spotify
Take a break and join Coffee Break with Ernest Dixon, a trending podcast on EdTech, modern classroom management, and everything related.

Blocksi Content Filtering Brought to iPads
Blocksi cloud-based management now supports not Chromebook and Windows-OS devices, but also iPads.

Blocksi Confirmed for the Lenovo Trusted Supplier Program
Lenovo has announced that Blocksi, Inc. has been confirmed to participate in the Lenovo Trusted Supplier Program.

NCTIES in Raleigh, NC Is Around the Corner. See You!
Blocksi is heading to Raleigh to present our Cloud-based Chromebook and Windows-OS filtering solutions for schools at the NCTIES conference.