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A Guide to Addressing Students' Mental Health in the Classroom


A Guide to Addressing Students' Mental Health in the Classroom

Creating a safe learning environment is one of the critical points in fostering students' mental health. These are a few of the guidelines on how to do it.

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This Is How To Monitor Students Efficiently


This Is How To Monitor Students Efficiently

In a time when technology is omnipresent in the classrooms, teachers find themselves asking, "how to monitor students"? And how to do it efficiently?

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Why Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Is Crucial for Student Success


Why Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Is Crucial for Student Success

Social-emotional learning (SEL) is a proven method of supporting young people in developing their social and emotional skills. And what are some of its other benefits?

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This Is How Monitoring Students’ Screens Empowers Teachers


This Is How Monitoring Students’ Screens Empowers Teachers

With technology playing a significant role in education, monitoring students' screens has become increasingly important. And how does it benefit teachers?

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7 (Obvious) Reasons Why Student Mental Health Matters


7 (Obvious) Reasons Why Student Mental Health Matters

Nowadays, we know student mental health is just as (if not more) important than completing assignments and studying for exams. Check out 7 reasons why.

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