We’re in Oklahoma Tomorrow and Friday for OTA

The Oklahoma Technology Association is having its annual conference this week, and we’re excited to join in!
With 1:1 devices storming the school place today – how do you keep students engaged in learning in the classroom while having access to such devices and freedom to surf the web freely? We will inform you about technology that is easily available and easy to deploy and can help ensure that teaching and education remain the main focus in the classroom. Screen monitoring, active filtering at the Teacher Level, and cyberbullying and threat detection are areas in which Blocksi Manager Solutions can help the Teachers, the District, the Principals, and the Parents keep the students on track at all times.
This is the 39th year for the Encyclo-Media Conference.
The OTA/Encyclo-Media Conference has boasted an attendance of close to 2,000 educators from across the state and 150+ vendor booths. The educators include teachers, tech directors, library media specialists, administrators, teachers of gifted, counselors, technology center staff, colleges of education, and public librarians. The sessions at the conference cover a wide range including technology, library media, administrative, technology directors, counselors, gifted & talented, distance learning, and curriculum. Two keynote speakers keep attendees updated on current and upcoming trends for technology and education.